Friday, June 22, 2007

F%*@ing Fence!!

I took this beautiful, glorious trip to Sweden with Brent at the end of April and returned at the beginning of May. It was one of the best trips I've been on and we just had so much fun! I came back in a post-Sweden euphoria, ready to settle back into my daily routine and maybe fix myself a sandwich upon my return. Well, after a canceled flight from Chicago to Dallas and a night in a hotel, I got home and found that a storm had knocked out my power AND had ripped my neighbor's large oak out of the ground. The subsequent damage resulting from the tree falling was this:
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This was the chainlink fence separating my yard from my neighbor's. Now I wouldn't call it a beautiful fence by any measure, but it did a fairly adequate job of keeping our property lines distinct and at least it wasn't a big hole in the ground. Did you see? Here, I'll show you another view:
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You'll have to excuse the sour tone of this post but as of today, it's been nearly two months since this happened. My poor neighbor rents and she's been trying to get the landlord to take care of this problem to no avail. He claims that the fence is his which is just fine with me, but either way something's got to be done. I figure I'll try to get in touch with him myself on Monday and find out what's going on, but I don't really know the protocol; since this was an "Act of God", does that mean that he's not responsible for repairing the damage?

If anyone has any suggestions, I'm listening!!!

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